Thursday, February 24, 2011

Word of mouth!!!

Although the law of attraction is documented in "the secret", it is not that much of a secret that we are what we say!!!

The words that we speak over our lives are a reflection of what we keep buried within us, and are therefore an indication of the direction in which we steer our lives.
What we say over and over is what we attract into our is also called the concept of "we declare it, God decrees it!!!"

I am truly convinced that what separates the successful, and the not-so-successful&everything-is-going-wrong-in-their-lives people is their attitude; that is clearly displayed in the words of their mouths...

I believe that if anyone wants to change the direction of their lives, they should change what they say about their lives, themselves, their environment and the people around them.
It is all in the power of the tounge, and sadly some people use this power to destroy (themselves and others) instead of using it to draw success and prosperity to all!!!

So the next time you feel like you are at your wits' end, and just can't take it anymore, remember that what you speak over the situation will determine whether you will rise out of that situation or whether you will stay stuck in it - not only physically but mentally.

Speak life back into your life, speak your dreams into being and speak yourself into a good attitude if you still need to develop one.
Tread carefully when it comes to your word of mouth, for you indeed reap what you sow!!!

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