Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Inspire-d: Living the Gym Experience

Inspire-d: Living the Gym Experience: So, today during my session at the Gym, while I stopped to catch my breathe in the middle of a killer exercise, I happened to look around a...

Living the Gym Experience

So, today during my session at the Gym, while I stopped to catch my breathe in the middle of a killer exercise, I happened to look around at everyone else in the gym, just to see if anyone was looking at how I was not coping!!!.
I quickly scouted the room hoping and praying that I wouldn't see anyone looking in my direction and shaking their head at how much of a hard time I was having (even getting a little irritated with myself for missing gym for 3 days last week).

While looking around, I realised just how busy everyone else was with their own "thing", not even having time to waste looking at me or to even care what I was doing... and then a thought struck me: this is exactly how life is supposed to be...

Life is very much like Gym, where each person has his/her own Gym programme (purpose) that has been designed for that specific individual to enable him/her to reach the goals that they have set for themselves - be it to lose weight, to gain muscle or to just maintain their current shape.
Furthermore, the programme that one person is going to use to, for example, lose weight, is not necessarily the same one that another person will use to achieve the same goal, because everyone is DIFFERENT (age, health, height, amount of weight to lose etc).

Likewise, in life, we all have a different purpose, different goals, different visions... and it only makes sense that we function according to different programmes. And even in situations where we might share the same goals (for example: my flatmate and I both want to qualify as Chartered Accountants and we both want to get married and have beautiful families), because we are so DIFFERENT (study patterns, age, values and belief-system)... we will both get there, however the road that we will have to take to get there will be totally different. I might have to put in more effort than her in my studies, she might get married earlier than me and so on!!!
So while I was in the gym, I started imagining what it would be like if people in the gym started competing with and comparing themselves to one another (like people ussually do in real life)... Imagine I see a girl lifting heavy weights and I feel like I have to prove myself to her and to anyone else watching, and I go and start lifting the weights with her - can you imagine how big I will be after a few weeks of doing this... and can you imagine how much I would have deviated from my main goal of going to the gym (which is to simply build up energy to run marathons)... would I even be able to run my marathons with such big muscles???

So why do we do this in our lives? why do we constantly compare ourselves to other people, and copy their way of doing things even though we know that we are DIFFERENT, that we have different values and different goals in life!!!
Sure, we are all meant to succeed, but according to our own programmes. NOT according to the programmes, time-frames and definitions (of success) of other people.

So the next time you see someone succeeding at what they do, remember this blogpost... and just congratulate them and wish them well further on. DON'T start comparing yourself to them... we are all in different journeys... and we should all HAPPILY live the gym experience!!!

Monday, September 19, 2011

What God sees - for women!!!

Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and wondered: what does God see when He looks at me???
Do you know that He sees a daughter, a princess (for He is the King), a woman of great magnitude, a lady, a woman of integrity, a woman who never compromises her worth just to please a crowd or to excite men... God sees us as beautiful, queens who deserve nothing short of the best Kingdom!!!

Isn't it time that we all aligned our view of ourselves, with the way God sees us... isn't it time to look at ourselves and see ourselves exactly as He sees us.

Have you ever stopped halfway through calling yourself stupid to ask yourself: what does God whisper to me every single day. Do you know that God calls you holy, He calls your body His temple, He calls you a proverbs 31 woman!!!
Isn't it time that you spoke to yourself the way God would speak to you, isn't it time to be more gently with yourself, to practise kindness on yourself, to whisper words of love to yourself, because you are a woman of God... a woman for God!!!

We are worth so much more than this world gives us, worth so much more than how the media potrays us. We are worth so much more than anyone can tell us...
Ladies, we can begin by seeing value, not only in ourselves but in every woman around us. Because we are truly God's girls and He loves us soooo much.
it's time, ladies, that we loved ourselves as much!!!

I love you, i value you, i care about you and I wish you all the best in the journey of self-discovery!!!
You are born to shine!!!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Enlarge your BOX!!!

have you ever felt like you are stuck in a box? that you are limited within the confines of the path you chose to take, by the decisions you have made in the past when you didn't know better.

Have you ever felt boxed in by your career? your relationships? your environment? that everything was just too limiting???
well, guess what??? everyone of us is stuck in some box or another. When you start off at work, you are stuck in the box of routine, doing things over and over and over until you get tired of them.

The most important question is,however: what do you do when you reach your peak, when your box is no longer enough to contain you, your dreams and the vision that you have for your life.
Do you simply settle for mediocrity, which is really just being good enough to get by... or do you make an effort to enlarge your tent, to increase the capacity of your box??

i believe that it is very rare in life that you have to do something as radical as changing a career path, relocating or totally re-structuring the plan you have for your future. Many-a-times we just have to get up and change our view of our current situation/circumstance in our lives.
As long as there is growth in our lives, there will always be a need to change the size of our box... a need to develop even beyond our own limitations.

So if you currently feel like you are stuck in a box, i suggest that you take a step back and analyse what it is that makes you feel stuck, and then ask yourself this question: what can i do about it???

"You are in the exact place in your life that you're suppose to be. Be present. Excel - right where you are"
                                                                                                                                     Thami Ngubeni