Saturday, February 26, 2011

the pursuit of purpose

I read a book once (forgot the title and the author)...this book explained that the "purpose" is the place where personal ambitions collide with God's plan for our lives...and I read another one that explained that God's plan for our lives is always about other people - never ever about us!!!

It all makes sense...that God (our creator and the author of our lives) would make sure that our genetical make-up, and our emotional capacity is in-line with what He pre-destined us to do in this life/world.

But this doesn't mean that it's easy to figure out what it is we are here for...and this is where faith comes in.

Faith involves believing that the path we are walking will lead us to the "purpose" or that the path is the purpose!!!

Faith means trusting that every decision we make - good or bad - will contribute to getting us there... That along the road of God-discovery, we will find self as well.

Right now, I'm on that road... The cross-roads!!!
Where I have to make critical decisions according to my faith (which is a gift from God in itself)... I have to trust that God will see that, in my heart,in my heart, deep within all I want is to be like Jesus on the cross after He fulfilled His purpose when He said: IT IS FINISHED!!!

I know I will probably not get it right the first million times, and I'll fall just to get back up again - only to fall even harder...
But I fail and pass and fail some more...
I will get it wrong, step on toes, and make enemies...all in the pursuit of the desires that God has given me.
But I will do it all the FAITH that the road will lead me to my purpose on earth...that God's plans and my plans will cross paths at the end!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey there,
    Shall your inspiration never stop flowing... the things you are able to articulate in words come in handy for so many of us who feel exactly how you do and yet cannot find the right combination of words... so please do not stop writing...

