Thursday, February 28, 2013

February reflections: Relationships

As we bid farewell to the month of February, the shortest month of the year and the month of love. I thought it was important that I reflect on the most important lesson that I learned this month, and that is the importance of relationships.

In reading the March issue of Destiny Magazine, I was reminded of the fact that it was important that an individual be able to function in relationships, to be comfortable being in a group and to be able to cultivate and mantain good relationships with the people that are around us, be it colleagues, friends, church-mates and most importantly family.

The truth is, the people around us play a very important role in who we are and in the realisation of our destinies. Being successful in life is not only about working hard and having big dreams but it is also about being able to surround yourself with the people that will "water" your potential and help you (by challenging you and otherwise) to be the best that you can be.
Relationships are very important in shaping who we are and in how successful we become in reaching our potential.

In John 13:35, Jesus Christ says, "By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another".
This highlights the importance of good relationships as fellow Christians and also as fellow human beings.

I think the crux of the above scripture is that, the quality of the relationships you have say a lot about you as a person, and it is a testimony of the fact that you indeed follow Christ and know Him as your Lord and saviour.

This morning, a friend of mine tagged me in this picture on facebook and I just had to share it.

I also have a number of testimonies of instances where my friends helped me revive my dreams and work even harder in achieving what I needed to achieve this month.

I am truly grateful for good relationships and I trust that reading this will inspire you to work on building, maintaining and pursuing good relationships with the people around you.

See you on the ther side of the March.
Lots of Love

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